The Plan!

Lately I've found that there is only 3 weeks left for BikingEndorphines project to be done for GetNoticed2017 contest. GetNoticed 2017

Here you can check my Get-Noticed profile.

So I'm currently changing my working into a weekly sprints (something similar to a scrum-based development workflow.

After each week, bunch of features will be done. I'll try my best to make as much articles about that features :)

At the end of each week I'll give You feedback, about my progress in list of:

  • Completed
  • In-progress
  • Not-started-yet

So stay tuned! A lot of new content is comimg :)

Details of the Plan!

Since there is only 3 weeks left to at least complete key-features, I presume the best will be to make each week about the same things. This will help me to keep up and stay focused on one stage of project for few days and then go to other stage of project.

Week for Python

Key features to be done:

  • REST API with :
    • Users
    • Endorphine-Badges Acquired
    • Routes User have been (based on gpx files)
    • Possibility to put new routes using endpoint and a gpx input-file.
    • API requests per-user.
    • Secure REST API with https security on a server-site (i.e. nginx)

Nice to have, if time will be given:

  • Frontend web-page with:
    • log-in page.
    • Statistics about each route user have been
    • Endorphine Badges Acquired

Week for Android

Key features to be done:

  • Android UI mockups.
  • Connection to REST API using some library check at android-arsenal
  • Starting/Stopping route recording
  • Sending gpx route to REST API automatically whenever Wifi/Internet is available
  • Gathering routes history.

Nice to have, if time will be given:

  • Preferences of sending gpx files (if using wifi or not)
  • Gathering Badges Acquired information

Week for mashup!

Key features to be done:

  • Android and Python backend syncing data between each-other
  • Moving locally accessible rest-service to outside-world i.e. using Heroku.
  • Problems that for now I'm not fully aware and may raise while working on those 2 weeks above.
  • Resolving as much as possible of 'nice to have' from past 2 weeks.

Tools and applications used:

Let's go and TDD the whole WORLD ! :D

All features will be done in a Test-Driven-Development workflow

Acknowledgements of links I've found usefull while writing this article:

Other: - Best Practice System for Organizing and Tagging github Issues



1. Plans for Biking-Endorphines.

What's next

1. Badge Gathering source-code and tests.


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