Grip and Vim for Note taking
Grip it! There are plenty of tools to make your .markdown or .md files in a html way- but is there a vim plugin that would make it more automated and integrated ? Let's answer this question, shall we ?
more ...Grip it! There are plenty of tools to make your .markdown or .md files in a html way- but is there a vim plugin that would make it more automated and integrated ? Let's answer this question, shall we ?
more ...Using assert raise within tests is a tricky thing - So today I'll focus on how to properly use it :)
more ...This time let's focus on something different than usually - Let's check what Zope Interface is all about :)
more ...Today I present you a my own Colander Validators! This includes tests that uses those validators! Check them out!
more ...In todays episode we will use Colander with validators for nested elements :) Checkout my experience with them.
more ...Did you ever wonder what are alternatives for serializing and deserializing besides of simple json de/serializer ? I didn't but I've found this library that I find pretty neat :)
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